Participation in XXII Aquaculture Seminar - Setúbal

Participation in XXII Aquaculture Seminar - Setúbal


On the 28th of October, the XXII Aquaculture Seminar took place at the Casa Baía in Setúbal, with the central theme “The sustainability of the aquaculture sector”, which was opened by the Secretary of State for Fisheries, Dr. Teresa Coelho Pedro.

Ernesto São Simão has presented a lecture focused on the ERGOMARINE concept and its pillars, following the project financed by the EEA Grants Portugal, operated by DGPM - Direção-Geral de Política do Mar, under the Blue Growth program.

Highlight for the public participation in the debate of themes such as animal welfare and the sustainability of aquaculture.
We want to thanks APA - Associação Portuguesa de Aquacultores and to all the presents in the room.

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