Participation in 38th Salon Conchyliculture 2022 (Vannes, France)

Participation in 38th Salon Conchyliculture 2022 (Vannes, France)


On the 4th and 5th of October 2022, the 38th Salon de la Conchyliculture et des Cultures Marines 2022 took place in Vannes (France), which brought together some of the most important stakeholders of world shellfish.
In this second participation, together with Nodusfactory, Ernesto São Simão Lda presented final products ERGOMARINE, within the scope of the Blue Growth program, financed by EEA Grants and managed by the Direção-Geral da Política do Mar.

The stand was one of the most visited at this event, namely by potential customers, cooperatives, research centers and training centres.

Participation in this event contributed significantly to creating awareness of ERGOMARINE solutions among some of the world's main stakeholders in the field of oyster farming.


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